



What’s new

  • guavamarmelad från brasilianskt märke Predilecta
    Goiabada cascão Predilecta 350g
  • chokladägg
    Chocolate Easter egg with brigadeiro filling – PRE-ORDER
  • Sequilhos – gluten free condensed milk cookies
    Sequilhos - biscoitos brasileiros de Maizena

O que é brigadeiro?

The original Brazilian recipe for brigadeiro from the 40’s has condensed milk as a base, chocolate powder and butter. Historians say that, because of the…

Does Rufatto Brigadeiro have a physical store?

At our resellers you can buy products without having to order online, or you can order online and pick up at the store!

Send a cake!

Best sellers

  • Pão de mel – spiced honey bread box 4
    Pão de mel – spiced honey bread box 4
    239.00 kr279.00 kr
  • brigadeiro ask med 8 saltkola brigadeiros och 8 kokosbrigadeiros
    Caixa de brigadeiro 16
    259.00 kr
  • chokladägg
    Chocolate Easter egg with brigadeiro filling – PRE-ORDER
    279.00 kr
  • ask med 24 brigadeiro i 3 olika smaker
    Brigadeiro box 24
    399.00 kr
  • ask med 9 stycken raw brigadeiros i två olika smaker
    Brigadeiro box 9
    179.00 kr
  • Kilo party box
    Caixa de brigadeiro kilo
    519.00 kr
  • brigadeiros i tre olika smaker
    Caixa de brigadeiro kilo premium
    599.00 kr
  • ask med 9 brigadeiros med olika typer av strössel
    Brigadeiro sampler box 9
    179.00 kr 179.00 kr

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